SEASON 9 1998-99

SAF, Season 9 - Episode 1 - Science in Paradise

901 - Episode 1 - Science in Paradise

Release Date:10/7/98
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Turtle Travels; Paradise Postponed; The Pan Man; Big Dish; Dust Busting

902 - Episode 2 - Journey to Mars

Release Date:11/11/98
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Out of Thin Air; NASA’s Way to Mars; Why Go to Mars?; We’re On Our Way; Houston, We’ve Had a Problem!; Getting There

903 - Episode 3 - Animal Einsteins

Release Date:1/20/99
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If Only They Could Talk; Who Needs Words, Anyway? Number Crunchers; Figure That One Out; No Fools About Tools; Thinking About Thinking

904 - Episode 4 - Life’s Little Questions

Release Date:2/24/99
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Why Are Peppers Hot?; Can You Beat Jet Lag?; How Do Bees Fly?; Why Does Traffic Jam?; Sand to Nuts

905 - Episode 5 - Spiders!

Release Date:4/21/99
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Spin, Spin, Spin; Song and Dance; Spider Canyon; Amazon Tales; Arachnophobia