SEASON 10 1999-2000

SAF, Season 10 - Episode 1 - Voyage to the Galapagos

1001 - Episode 1 - Voyage to the Galapagos

Release Date:10/5/99
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Darwin’s Eden; Evolving Beaks; Lizards of the Sea; Masked Killers; Paradise Lost?

1002 - Episode 2 - Natural Born Robots

Release Date:11/2/99
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RoboRoach; Swim Like a Fish; Body Builders; Robots Have Feelings Too; Go Team!

1003 - Episode 3 - Never Say Die

Release Date:1/25/00
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Eat Less – Live Longer; The Clock if Life; Wisdom of the Worms; How to Make a Nose; Use It or Lose It

1004 - Episode 4 - Mediterranean on the Rocks

Release Date:3/28/00
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The Green Invader; Turtle Hospital; The Paper Boat; Copper Island; The Sea within the Sea

1005 - Episode 5 - The Frontiers Decade

Release Date:4/25/00
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Multiple excerpts from the preceding 49 episodes: Wonders of the World; CyberDecade; Medical Decade; Archaeology Decade; Environment Decade; Decade of the Brain; Decade in Space