Glover’s Reef Research Station dock on Middle Caye

Accommodations at Glover’s Reef Research Station

Tropical paradise: the lagoon seen from Middle Caye

Carl Safina with shark researcher Demian Chapman (left) and Glover’s Reef staff assistant, checking a longline for catch-and-release shark survey

Demian Chapman (center) completes a surgical implant of an acoustic tag on a Caribbean reef shark

Releasing reef shark after tagging

Huge nurse shark caught and then released as part of the Glover’s Reef research program

Carl Safina goes down to check out the Glover’s Reef shark acoustic-detection system

Taking a break after diving to work on Glover’s Reef acoustic instruments

Traveling light! Cameraman Tony Flanagan with reserve staff counts equipment cases as we leave Glover's Reef Marine for Belize City

Belize City fish market

Shark trader in the Belize City fish market.

The shark trader in the Belize City fish market sells these dried shark fins for $40-50 per pound

Filming bags of dried shark fins in the shark trader's shack