Related People and Places

Destination Baja:

Pachico’s Eco Tours --Ecotourism company started by Pachico Mayoral, the fisherman whose experiences with gray whales helped to spark the idea of whale-watching in Laguna San Ignacio, in Baja, Mexico. Pachico appears in this episode.

Laguna San Ignacio Ecosystem Science Program -- Steve Swartz’s research lab in Laguna San Ignacio doing gray whale census counts and acoustic measurements.

WiLDCOAST--An American/Mexican non-profit that does community outreach and raises awareness about ocean conservation. Founder Serge Dedina was instrumental in preventing the Laguna's industrial development.

Carl Safina’s article about his 2005 visit to Estero Coyote, co-authored by Wallace J. Nichols, founder of Grupo Tortuguero and co-director of Ocean Revolution.

Article in the Telegraph describing the tourist experience in the Laguna.

LA Times piece describing the success of the Punta Abreojos Cooperative.

Marine Stewardship Council’s official page for the certified sustainable fishery of red rock lobster.

Swordfish! (Part 1 and 2):

Swordfish Research -- The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans studied swordfish behavior and migratory patterns using satellite tags. Skipper Larry Sears, whose swordfish boat the Four Ladies is the subject of these episodes, used his harpooning skills to tag the fish for the scientists.

Give Swordfish A Break! --In 1998 several conservation organizations launched a campaign to restore North Atlantic swordfish populations that had been depleted by decades of overfishing.

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas ICCAT is the international body that sets fishing quotas for tuna swordfish and sharks in the Atlantic. Swordfish management has been effective, but many conservation organizations (and our Saving the Ocean host Carl Safina) regard ICCAT’s management of bluefin tuna as a failure.

Seafood Network Information Center --This site has a primer on mercury in seafood. Swordfish is one of the four fish that the FDA found may have mercury levels above the safety limit of 1 part per million. (The other three are king mackerel, shark and tilefish.)

Shark Reef:

Web site for Glover’s Reef Research Station in Belize, where this episode was filmed.

Demian Chapman’s study on sharks in Glover’s Reef.

This Scientific American article elucidates key findings from Chapman’s study.

Petition sign-up for banning shark fin trade in the US.

Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO)--Scientists think more marine reserves like Glover’s Reef can be the long-term answer to conservation of the oceans. PISCO has a lot of information on how Marine Protected Areas, as they are known, work.

River of Kings (Part 1 and 2):

Boldt Decision -- This is the text of the landmark 1974 “Boldt Decision”, in which US District Judge George Boldt reaffirmed the native fishing rights of Washington State’s Indian tribes, and established the tribes as natural resource co-managers with the State.

The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, chaired by Billy Frank Jr. who appears in these Saving the Ocean episodes, helps and advises the 20 Indian tribes in Western Washington to manage their natural resources as laid out in the Boldt Decision.

A profile of Nisqually tribal leader Billy Frank Jr. and his role in the “Fish Wars,” the native treaty fishing rights struggles of the 1960s.

Back to the River-- Reminiscences of those who took part in the Fish Wars.

Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge -- 3,000 acres at the mouth of the Nisqually River -- was originally set up in 1974 for the protection of migratory birds in Puget Sound. Now one of its main projects is restoring the Nisqually River delta’s marshes, to benefit not only birds but also the endangered chinook salmon.

The Wild Salmon Center works to preserve salmon ecosystems around the Pacific Rim.

Eatonville to Rainier -- A history of the Ohop area.

Trinidad's Turtle Giants:

Article featuring Suzan Lakhan Baptiste, who appears in this episode, as a "Woman Hero of Global Conservation". The founder of Trinidad’s Nature Seekers, which works for environmental conservation and sustainable living, she was a pioneer advocate for protection of endangered leatherback turtles.

Nature Seekers --Suzan Lakhan Baptiste’s community group which started nightly patrols to stop poaching on critical leatherback turtle nesting beaches.

Baptiste honored as a CNN Hero.

CNN news story on Nature Seekers' glass bead project, where teens are turning their protection of sea turtles into ecotourism opportunities.

WIDECAST (Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network) is affiliated with the UN Environment Programme and is tasked with ensuring the survival of six species of Caribbean sea turtle. The Network is involved in research and population monitoring, conservation and management, education and capacity-building, conservation business development, and coastal zone management issues in more than 40 countries. The website includes information on best practices, basic biology, teacher tools, current issues, and more. The local success of Nature Seekers, a long-time member of WIDECAST, is an example of Caribbean-wide progress that the Network's unique approach to integration of otherwise isolated conservation efforts brings.

Cod Comeback?

The Gulf of Maine Cod Project, whose historians appear in this episode, analyzes historic fishing boat logbooks and concludes that present day cod numbers in the Northeast are a few percent of their historic levels. Part of a larger international project to reconstruct the history of marine animals.

1992 press release announcing a two-year moratorium on Canada’s cod fishery. At the time biologists thought cod stocks would bounce back quickly, but many Northeast fishing areas are still closed in both the US and Canada.

This CBC news story throws light on the antagonistic reactions to the 1992 cod moratorium.

Retired fisheries minister, John Crosbie, speaks to CBC about the 1992 moratorium.

Off the Hook and Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen’s Association Fishermen’s associations in Nova Scotia and Cape Cod that follow eco-friendly, sustainable fishing practices.

CBC’s coverage on Off The Hook’s sustainable fishing practices.

Iceland’s cod fishing industry is noted for its sustainable practices and was certified as ‘responsible’ by the Global Trust Certification in 2010.

Penobscot East is the fishing community organization founded by fisherman and ecologist Ted Ames. He was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship for his 2004 study which systematically analyzed the recollections of retired fishermen to reconstruct historic cod spawning grounds in the Gulf of Maine. Ames concluded that cod no longer use half the old spawning grounds. The original study is available on the site.

The Sacred Island:

Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science -- founded by Fazlun Khalid, who appears in this episode. Fazlun’s organization works to build a world-wide ecological movement inspired by the teachings of Islam.

Alliance of Religions and Conservation is a secular non-profit founded by Prince Phillip and based in the UK. It helps the major religions of the world develop environmental programs, based on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.

Pemba, The Green Island --This short documentary by an Italian foundation takes a realistic look at the health challenges faced by Pemba.

Zanzibar Malaria Control Programme and Malaria Elimination Group The islands of Zanzibar and Pemba have one of Africa’s most successful malaria control programs. Less than 1.5% of mosquitoes now carry the malaria parasite, compared to more than 70% before the program began in 2003, and malaria deaths are down by 90%. Now the Zanzibar Health Ministry and its global partners are thinking about total elimination of the disease.

Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change -- The creation of the Misali Island Conservation Area described in this episode not only conserves Pemba’s reefs today, but also will help protect them against future impacts of global warming. Scientists are beginning to understand that healthy coral ecosystems are the most resilient.

Scourge of the Lionfish:

REEF is a conservation organization working with the USGS to track the extent of lionfish invasion in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. They conduct workshops on safe handling and removal of lionfish from reefs and regularly hold lionfish derbies to educate the public and encourage removal.

Lionfish range map in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

REEF’s Lionfish Cookbook is a compilation of recipes that do justice to the delicate flavor of lionfish meat.

Mark Hixon’s website on his research on lionfish invasion and its impacts on native coral ecosystems. Mark appears in the episode.

NOAA ecologist, James Morris’ webpage with links to his publications on the behavior, biology and ecology of lionfish.

Carl Safina's Episode Blogs

Episode 1 -- Destination Baja Episode 2 & 3 -- Swordfish! Episode 4 -- Shark Reef Episode 5 and 6 -- River of Kings Episode 7 -- Trinidad’s Turtle Giants Episode 8 -- Cod Comeback? Episode 9 -- The Sacred Island Episode 10 -- Scourge of the Lion Fish