Approaching the island of Pemba from the Tanzania mainland
Carl Safina arrives at a Pemba fishing village
Arriving on Kisanjani village beach. Filming anywhere attracts a crowd
Carl Safina heads out with fishermen from Kisanjani Village
Carl Safina hauls in nets off Pemba
Pemba fishermen take fish traps out to the reef. The dugout canoe is made from a single mango-tree log
Both tourists and local fishermen use Pemba’s pristine reefs
Hawksbill Turtle on a Pemba reef
Pemba reef life
Carl Safina with Sheik Muhammed Suleiman, Imam of Pemba’s Central Mosque
Imams from many Pemba villages meet to discuss the Islamic approach to conservation
Girls from the fishing village of Wesha singing for the crowd at a meeting about fisheries
Patrol boat used to safeguard Pemba’s coral reefs
Fishing dhows on a Pemba beach
Kisanjani village beach
Carl Safina with a happy customer of the village fishermen